About Me #

I’m a father of two, husband and general purpose geek (in that order).
I’m a principal engineer at Skyscanner in London, with a focus on developer enablement and production platforms.
Technology-wise, I’m interested in virtually everything but have particular interests in:
- Developer experience
- Software quality and automated testing
- Java, Go, NodeJS, Python, Kubernetes, and a bunch of related things
- Home automation and electronics
Projects/Open source #
I have a handful of small projects on GitHub, but one you may have heard of is Testcontainers, a Docker-based tool to aid integrated testing in Java. I created Testcontainers several years ago, and it’s become almost a de-facto tool for integration testing in Java and other languages. I was also co-founder of AtomicJar, a company which develops services that complement the open source library (and has since been acquired by Docker Inc).
Another quite different project which I’m more active on is Turbolift, which I’ve worked on at Skyscanner to help us manage improvements and upgrades to hundreds of microservices and components. Check out this blog post which explains how this tool came to be.
I also developed a few random things:
- euston.wtf, a simple tool to make catching a train from Euston station a little easier.
- weekends, a printable calendar generator focused on weekends and public holidays.
Contact #
I’m @[email protected] on Mastodon.
I have some open source projects on Github.
You can email me at [email protected], unless you’re a spambot, in which case please don’t bother.
Latest Posts
Using Tailscale with Docker | |
Faster builds with highly parallel GitHub Actions | |
More practical direnv |
More posts can be found in the archive.